Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Post About Transgender Rights

"Last May, the Obama administration sent what's called a "Dear Colleague" letter to school districts. The letter, from the Justice and Education departments, made clear that the administration was interpreting Title IX, the law that prohibits sex discrimination in education, to include transgender students.
The letter stated that to be in compliance with the law, every K-12 school district, state education association and high school athletic association in the country "must not treat a transgender student differently from the way it treats other students of the same gender identity."
This week the Trump administration officially rescinded that guidance. This does not change the law. What it does is give states and districts more flexibility in their interpretation of Title IX and how they choose to accommodate transgender students."
Here's What I Think: We all saw this coming. Okay? President Cheeto was never going to protect LGBT citizens. I thought that was pretty obvious. This man is against all minorities. Transgender people should be able to use whatever bathroom they choose. There are too many people who are concerned with transgender people using bathrooms. A lot people have threatened to hurt transgender people if they use the bathroom associated with the gender they identify with. Honestly, those people are real assholes. Why can't you let people go where they want? Is that so difficult for you? If you are seriously concerned with people using the bathroom, then you seriously need to reevaluate yourself. 
For all of my transgender readers
Your feelings are valid. is here to help. US (877) 565 - 8860 Canada (877) 330 - 6366
A lot of people are concerned that there are creepers that are pretending to be transgender and are really just men who will go into girls bathrooms and hurt people. Listen, sexual assault is more likely to happen between two people who know each other. If you did some damn reading, you would see that this is more than bathrooms. Allowing transgender people to use what bathroom they want means they are welcome in open space. There are gendered bathrooms everywhere. They are at movie theatres, schools, places of work, places of worship and if you are not allowed to use the bathroom where you are most comfortable then you are saying that you are not allowed in open space.

Here are links to articles and resources for more information:

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