"According to TMZ, a restraining order has been filed by Brown's ex, Karrueche Tran, after she alleged that the singer beat and threatened to kill her."
Now we all know that Chris Brown has repeatedly abused women in the past and people still give him a pass. I really think that we need to honestly discuss this. A lot of people are attributing him to repeated abusing women to mental illness. That accusation is a reason why we need to discuss mental illness because those who suffer from it are more likely the victims of abuse rather than the perpetrators.
You honestly cannot defend this man. You cannot normalize his behavior. Like honestly, you guys he is an abuser. People keep wondering why women don't come forward when they are abused. You need to stop defending his actions because he is a grown ass man. Karrueche was living her life and Chris Brown just had to be abusive for no damn reason. Honestly there is no reason to abuse anyone.
Also, stop listening to his music!! He has been making that same music since 2009. It's nothing new and it makes me tired when you guys fangirl over him like he's actually attractive.
Why didn't we leave him 5 years ago?
Not gonna spend a lot of time on this because he's trash and not worth my time
Now we all know that Chris Brown has repeatedly abused women in the past and people still give him a pass. I really think that we need to honestly discuss this. A lot of people are attributing him to repeated abusing women to mental illness. That accusation is a reason why we need to discuss mental illness because those who suffer from it are more likely the victims of abuse rather than the perpetrators.
You honestly cannot defend this man. You cannot normalize his behavior. Like honestly, you guys he is an abuser. People keep wondering why women don't come forward when they are abused. You need to stop defending his actions because he is a grown ass man. Karrueche was living her life and Chris Brown just had to be abusive for no damn reason. Honestly there is no reason to abuse anyone.
Also, stop listening to his music!! He has been making that same music since 2009. It's nothing new and it makes me tired when you guys fangirl over him like he's actually attractive.
Why didn't we leave him 5 years ago?
Not gonna spend a lot of time on this because he's trash and not worth my time
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