Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Post About Transgender Rights

"Last May, the Obama administration sent what's called a "Dear Colleague" letter to school districts. The letter, from the Justice and Education departments, made clear that the administration was interpreting Title IX, the law that prohibits sex discrimination in education, to include transgender students.
The letter stated that to be in compliance with the law, every K-12 school district, state education association and high school athletic association in the country "must not treat a transgender student differently from the way it treats other students of the same gender identity."
This week the Trump administration officially rescinded that guidance. This does not change the law. What it does is give states and districts more flexibility in their interpretation of Title IX and how they choose to accommodate transgender students."
Here's What I Think: We all saw this coming. Okay? President Cheeto was never going to protect LGBT citizens. I thought that was pretty obvious. This man is against all minorities. Transgender people should be able to use whatever bathroom they choose. There are too many people who are concerned with transgender people using bathrooms. A lot people have threatened to hurt transgender people if they use the bathroom associated with the gender they identify with. Honestly, those people are real assholes. Why can't you let people go where they want? Is that so difficult for you? If you are seriously concerned with people using the bathroom, then you seriously need to reevaluate yourself. 
For all of my transgender readers
Your feelings are valid. is here to help. US (877) 565 - 8860 Canada (877) 330 - 6366
A lot of people are concerned that there are creepers that are pretending to be transgender and are really just men who will go into girls bathrooms and hurt people. Listen, sexual assault is more likely to happen between two people who know each other. If you did some damn reading, you would see that this is more than bathrooms. Allowing transgender people to use what bathroom they want means they are welcome in open space. There are gendered bathrooms everywhere. They are at movie theatres, schools, places of work, places of worship and if you are not allowed to use the bathroom where you are most comfortable then you are saying that you are not allowed in open space.

Here are links to articles and resources for more information:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Post About How White Women Need To Leave Famous Black Women Alone

Recently, I've been seeing a lot of think pieces by white feminists about Beyonce, Serena Williams, Michelle Obama, and other famous black women. Most of these have headlines condemning their bodies and how they use them. One article's headline called Beyonce a straight whore and said that Serena's swimsuit shoot was something similar to porn. Now all of this is bullshit. It's just white women hating black women for being in control and loving their bodies. Black women can't live their life without mainstream media outlets thinking that they can have a say. As if what these whit people have to say even matters. If Beyonce wants to have an amazing photoshoot to show off her pregnant belly, then she's going to do that and you can't do anything except be salty and jealous. White women need to stop demonizing black women's bodies because it is not your damn place.

I am sick of seeing all of this unnecessary white fragility over strong black women.

Leslie Jones may not "fit the mold", but that's the same mold of slim and feminine women. Leslie Jones is an amazing actress and a phenomenal comedian. She doesn't have to fit a look because she is her own person with an amazing body and exceptional talent.

Simone Biles is constantly getting smack for her body, but maybe ya'll forgot that she is a gold medalist olympian. She is the fourth American female gymnast to win five medals in a single Olympics. So how about we let her live her life?

Michelle Obama has faced so much misogynistic and racist backlash during her time of being the first lady. People have called her fat, too masculine, ugly, and I am sick of it. She has a Ivy League education and is an inspiring individual. Here is a link to all of her amazing accomplishments as our First Lady:

Beyonce is too confident, but she's Beyonce. She is an amazing singer, actress, dancer, and mother. So sit down and shut up. Here is full list of all her broken records and accomplishments:

Serena Williams might look too like a man to you, but to me she is the greatest athelete ever. Period. She has won four grand slams in a row and is a gold medal olympians with a full list of accomplishments:

All of these horrible remarks show how it doesn't matter how much you succeed because people only want to look at your outward appearance. They will never give you credit for the amazing things you've done if you don't make them feel comfortable about themselves. A lot of people cannot handle black women just succeeding because then they feel less than. So they make unnecessary and disrespectful thinkpieces disguised as a way to preach their feminist ideals, when really they are being hateful and disgusting. 

The Post About Milo Yiannopoulos

If you do not know who Milo is, then you must not be online. Milo Yiannopoulos is a white gay man who pissed me the fuck off. Recently he resigned, I think, from Breitbart which is an extremely conservative website. He was an editor there and now he is not. He gained and lost an invitation to the Conservative Political Action Conference. Milo is known for making articles that are "triggering to liberals".
A while ago, Milo was invited to speak at UC Berkeley, but he was cancelled because of intense protests. That led to an indirect tweet from President Cheeto, an invitation to Bill O'Reilly's show, and an invitation to the CPAC. He lost that invitation and his book was cancelled because a video came to light about him condoning pedophilia.
This is what he said specifically: "Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming-of-age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents.”
He also said: “I’m grateful for Father Michael,” he said, in what appears to be an attempt at a joke. “I wouldn’t give nearly such good [oral sex] if it wasn’t for him.” He then argues that “pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet who have not gone through puberty,” and not someone who is 13 years old and “sexually mature.”

He is also banned from Twitter after harassing actress Leslie Jones. He is also that face of the alt-right internet movement. He is known to hate immigrants, feminists, transgender people and basically anyone who is not white. His most famous quote is calling Feminism cancer and also says that transgender people are mentally ill.

Here's What I Think: Milo is just a typical white gay that I have encountered. Most white gay people that I have met are just as problematic as any white man. But they feel that because they are gay, they now are allowed to say whatever the fuck they want. Yes, if you are gay you face discrimination. But that discrimination does not give you a free pass to be an asshole to other people. You don't get to be racist and say that we can't call you racist because you face discrimination too.
You got me? Milo feels because now he is a "minority" he can say whatever the fuck he wants. White gay men are the most privileged in the LGBT community. They get the most representation and they are basically the face of the community. People of color and disabled LGBT persons are not given as much as a voice.
Many times, giving white people a voice in marginalized communities silences others and sometimes the people who have a voice are not speaking for everyone. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Post About Chris Brown

"According to TMZ, a restraining order has been filed by Brown's ex, Karrueche Tran, after she alleged that the singer beat and threatened to kill her."

Now we all know that Chris Brown has repeatedly abused women in the past and people still give him a pass. I really think that we need to honestly discuss this. A lot of people are attributing him to repeated abusing women to mental illness. That accusation is a reason why we need to discuss mental illness because those who suffer from it are more likely the victims of abuse rather than the perpetrators.

You honestly cannot defend this man. You cannot normalize his behavior. Like honestly, you guys he is an abuser. People keep wondering why women don't come forward when they are abused.  You need to stop defending his actions because he is a grown ass man. Karrueche was living her life and Chris Brown just had to be abusive for no damn reason. Honestly there is no reason to abuse anyone.

Also, stop listening to his music!! He has been making that same music since 2009. It's nothing new and it makes me tired when you guys fangirl over him like he's actually attractive.

Why didn't we leave him 5 years ago?

Not gonna spend a lot of time on this because he's trash and not worth my time

The Post About #HurtBae, #StrandedBae, and Relationships

If you have been online for the past week, then you have absolutely heard about these two stories. A few days ago, The Scene thought it would be a good idea to make a video where two exes sit across from each and relive their awful relationship. It started with a beautiful girl sitting across an obvious fuckboi asking him about how many times he cheated. If you watch the whole thing, your heart will hurt and you want to smack the stupid ass smirk off of his face. 
The video starts with her recanting a story about how she saw him with another girl while they were together. They lived in the same apartment and when she saw this, he told her to leave and she did! Honestly, I would have decked them both in the mouth. Throughout the whole video, she starts to tear up and the boy just doesn't give a fuck. It was a really sad video and just a really bad idea honestly! I get that you would want to reconnect with your ex to find closure, but she doesn't need closure. They have both moved on with their lives and grown from that experience. You can see that it still hurts her to think about it because he was her best friend and she loved him. He didn't care because he's an asshole.
Watching this video will make you relive a very bad relationship you probably never got over. The girl who used to be in that relationship is now with someone who loves her and the guy is traveling the world.  
But if you are still reeling from that video, get ready for this crazy ass ride! 
I wanted to take a day before writing this article about #StrandedBae because there are about 7 or 8 threads about what has happened in this story. The story first broke at 3 am on Monday night and I was trying to catch up on Monday afternoon after class. 
This is the synopsis of what I understand happened. There are two people who have been dating for a month. He has a t shirt with her face on it and they make plans to meet on Valentine's day. They have sex and he drops her off at the airport. She misses her flights (as in all of them) and keeps calling him to pick her up. She has no money and she is getting evicted out of her apartment, so she has no money and no home and no way home. She goes back to his apartment asking for money and he is fucking another girl. 
I have to say that I am so mad about all of these hurt feelings and all of this wasted money in both of these situations. The girl in #StrandedBae was manipulated by a guy who just wanted to fuck. #StrandedBae shows how men will use their feelings and emotions to get women then blame women for being emotional connected.
These two stories show how you can fall in love and find out that the person that you are with is not who you believed them to be. It's very sad that these situations were put online for everyone to see and comment on. But it shows that harmful relationships are not rare and that everyone goes through them. But it makes me happy that I don't have a boyfriend.
That's all I have to say on this. Another post will up in a few hours. Have a great day guys!