Friday, August 18, 2017

PSA to Conservatives: YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM!!!

Here’s the thing with Conservatives now. They hate the fact that there are so many people in their mentions and in their lives that are questioning their stance in politics. Now that so many people must face the fact that there are literal Nazis within our country, we are becoming more aware of what’s going on. We are all focusing more on what people are saying to other people and how they interact with different people that they are not used to being around.

If you are a Republican and you think that you are a victim, shut up. You are not a victim at all. Your rights are not being threatened every day by an unstable old white man in the oval office.

You think just because people are being mean to you that you can cry like a baby? People are acting this way towards you because of what you vote for! None of you did anything to truly oppose Trump's presidential campaign. You didn't really do anything when he said that he would defend his supporters if they beat up black people in the street in Trump's name. Ya'll didn't blink an eye when he came down that escalator and called all "Mexicans" rapists. Moreover, I didn't see one person with an american flag in their twitter handle oppose Trump's proposition of a Muslim ban. And now that this man is in office and trying to take away our healthcare, you are upset that a girl with a safety pin in her twitter handle called you an asshole? Buck the fuck up.

People are not being mean to you because you disagree with them. They are speaking you in a way that makes you feel attacked. Because you are not used to having your political views challenged by so many people. And now you feel like it’s more popular to be a leftist and that you are a minority. You are absolutely not a minority. You still have the majority of the House and Senate and the OVAL OFFICE. Also, the literal leader of your country is in bed with white supremacists and people who want to take away people’s rights so badly every chance that they can get. When you are okay with people taking away rights from marginalized people, you are like them. You have the same mindset that this country is somehow broken because people from different countries come here for a better life and end up doing dishes in the back of an IHOP or have to sell oranges on the side of the road. You all kept repeating the same rhetoric on

Stop comparing yourself to people in the 50s. I am so sick of people saying that being a conservative now is like being a jewish person in Nazi Germany. That is not the case at all. People are not going into your homes, taking you and your family to a concentration camp so that you can work and starve for years. None of that happens to you. Also, you are thrown in an oven and burned alive!! No one is doing that to you just for voting to put an old dotty racist in the White House.

Alan Turing, well-known and hugely influential computer scientist, was forcibly chemically castrated for being gay in the 50's. James Damore is not Alan Turing. He isn't even close because James Damore, as it has been recently revealed, he wasn't even properly qualified for his former cushy job at Google. If you don't know who James Damore is, he wrote a 10 page memo on the internal Google message boards about how women are not biologically wired to have jobs in technology. Obviously he experienced fierce insecurity that he was surrounded by smarter women. And then he decided to write this memo to have people validate his feelings, but that ended up getting him fired.

Maybe it is time for you to cross the other side and understand why everyone kind of doesn't like you. Because this isn't going to end. There are plenty of centrist democrats talking to republicans. It's time to stop pushing for more police in Detroit and start funding science and math programs. It's time to stop focusing on closing down Planned Parenthood and to start teaching kids how to have safe sex in school so that you can reduce the teen pregnancy rate in your States. And perhaps you need to stop seeing all Muslim people are terrorists and start arresting the neo-Nazis and white supremacists that live in your states and work in your police forces, colleges, high school, banks, and other government buildings.

Oh yeah! And keep them out of the White House.

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