Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Post About Taylor Swift's White Fragility

Recently, Taylor Wift shut down her Instagram and deleted many of old tweets. Then she posted a few teaser videos with snakes. Now she is supposedly dropping a new single and will be dropping a new album in November. Many people are reporting that the Internet is losing their minds over all of this news. 

I think a lot of people are just fine.

Moreover, many people are calling this a surprise album drop. Just because she hasn't said anything since the election and is now releasing an album; that doesn't qualify as a surprise album drop. 

Many of her fans are happy that Taylor is reclaiming the negative narrative that was surrounding her last year. When really this whole strategy is just another way for her to flex her white fragility in order to get what she wants. Taylor poised a black man that everyone already saw as crazy to be her enemy. They had said to have squashed their feud, but Taylor decided that she could benefit from Kanye being demonized by the media. She made a speech at the Grammy's about how no matter was thrown at this fragile white woman, she was able to survive the mean black man's hurtful words. That her success is because she rose above "people trying to take credit for your success". That's why Kanye never fought back. He knew that Taylor was seen as America's Sweetheart and that if he said anything then everyone would brush it off as him being an unstable black man. She spun the story around to benefit her and have everyone in the palm of her hand. It wasn't until Kim was fed up with this bullshit that she exposed Taylor on Snapchat for being a manipulative, soulless liar. Now Taylor is going to use this new albu as a way to portray herself as someone who was falsely accused of being a snake. She is going to make this album about how no matter what people say about her, she will remain unscathed and continue to succeed. Or in other words, no matter what you do, people will continue to believe this gentle white girl image she had spent her career building. 

Taylor knew full well about the verse in Kanye's song "Famous" and she decided to turn it around so that she would be seen as the victim. It was easy for her because everyone else was saying it was sexist and she put her stamp of approval of being against it.

Of course, there is plenty of sexism and misogyny in the music industry. Female artists face sexism everyday when they are just trying to pursue their dreams. Whether it is with Rick Ross saying he would have to fuck a female rapper if she were signed to his lable or with Dr. Luke still having a job even after the Kesha lawsuit, men have always been glorified in the music industry and given a free pass to be sexist without consequence. And yes, hip hop has been repeatedly sexist and homophobic, however, there is a huge difference with making a song that is sexist against women and contacting someone about a verse that was about them and they okayed the verse. There is big difference between the two. When Taylor heard Kanye say the line to her that mentions her voice, she was excited that he was going to mention her in his song as it was obvious in the Snapchat video from Kim. Taylor must have known from that moment that she could take her and Kanye's new friendship as an opprotunity to demonize him and position her to be the victim. 

After the Snapchat video came out, of course, Taylor Swift said that she wanted to excluded from the narrative. Mainly because she couldn't say that this never happened or what happened in the Snapchat video was misleading because everyone knew exactly what was going on in that Snapchat video. This whole feud starts when Kanye jumped on the stage at the MTV's VMAs in 2009 when he said that Beyonce should've won. It didn't help that the exact picture of the moment looks like the black man terrorising the innocent white woman. This picture also represents the idea of black men being a menance to white men is what constantly oppresses black men in larger way, such as with Emmett Till or with the Scotsboro Boys. And Taylor capitalized on that moment by using the incident to launch herself into the mainstreams consciousness. Kanye was using that moment to bring attention to the systemic racism in the mainstream music industry that repeatedly gives awards to white artists instead of to more deserving artists of color. Like with what happened at the 2016 Grammy's when Adele won Album of the Year instead of Beyonce winning it. People jumped on the train of calling Kanye crazy and an asshole even after he publically apologized for his outburst. Even after he explained that he didn't do that to offend Taylor, but to talk about how there are a lot of people in America who do not have a platform to talk about the racism that happens in our country. 

Taylor has always been quick to be the statue of victimhood and how everyone is after her and trying to undermine her fame. Of course, she does face sexism within the music industry and there may be people who want to discredit her. But Kanye is not trying to do so. However, she might use this album to talk about that and, against, position herself to the fragile white woman in the media's eyes so that she can catapult back to being America's lovable girl next door. Instead of being seen as the manipulative lying white feminist that she is. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Post About Marcellus Williams

In 1998, Felicia Gayle was murdered during a robbery. Following this, Marcellus Williams was charged and arrested for murder. In the 2001 trial, the court denied to test the murder weapon for DNA per William's attorney request. The newly acquired evidence showed that the DNA on the murder weapon did not match William's DNA. Moreover, hair samples that were found at the scene of the crime did not match Williams's DNA, but for a different male. Also, a footprint found at the scene does not match William's footprint. Moreover, William's conviction was obviously ruined by the racial bias of the case because prosecuters worked hard to keep black people off of the jury. 81 percent of cases with black defendents get convicted with an all white jury and many prosecutors go out of their way strike black jurors from the selection process. Williams was also prosecuted under the St. Louis prosecuter Bob McCulloch, who failed to indict Darren Wilson for the murder of Micheal Brown in 2014. The prosecuters were confident that they could get a conviction without any DNA evidence because Felicia's stolen laptop was found in a car and two people who told the police that Williams confessed to the killings. One man was a jailhouse snitch and the other person was William's ex girlfriend who was in need of money and took advantage of the $10,000 reward. Moreover, the car that had Gayle's stolen laptop wasn't even registered to Williams. 

By now you can see how ridiculous this is. These people are literally doing gymnastics in order for this man to go away for a long time. They are doing whatever they can so that this man will die. For what??? I don't know!!! Racists don't give an explanation as to why they are racist. They just want to pin this murder on this innocent man. So sad. But I'm not done.

In 2015, the Supreme Court of Missouri issued a last-minute stay of execution to allow Williams to obtain DNA testing. The results came back proving it was someone else and not Williams' DNA on the knife. The court denied him a chance to present that evidence and summarily denied the case without issuing any written explanation. Then the court gave Williams an execution date of April 22, 2017.

Governor Greitens halted his execution for a panel of 5 retired judges to review the case with the newly discovered evidence. 

I am really glad that this story made to CNN that afternoon because I saw my dad watching it. I am also grateful that this execution was halted. But that does not mean that he will be dismissed for the charges. They might find something else to charge him with so that he can still be imprisoned. But we will see what happens from here.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Post About Dick Gregory

Dick Gregory was recently hospitalized because of an unknown condition. Now we learn that he has passed on at 84. His children released a statement on his instagram page. He was a very well known civil rights activist and comedian. Gregory made us all think about the way this country works. He was a true game changer and made us all think. He was an American hero and amazing mentor to many of us. He was a groundbreaker in comedy and a strong voice for social justice. Gregory marched with Martin Luther King Jr. He sat with Muhammad Ali and he also paved the way for many great comedians today. He passed away today, but he will never be forgotten. May you rest in power, Dick Gregory.

Friday, August 18, 2017

PSA to Conservatives: YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM!!!

Here’s the thing with Conservatives now. They hate the fact that there are so many people in their mentions and in their lives that are questioning their stance in politics. Now that so many people must face the fact that there are literal Nazis within our country, we are becoming more aware of what’s going on. We are all focusing more on what people are saying to other people and how they interact with different people that they are not used to being around.

If you are a Republican and you think that you are a victim, shut up. You are not a victim at all. Your rights are not being threatened every day by an unstable old white man in the oval office.

You think just because people are being mean to you that you can cry like a baby? People are acting this way towards you because of what you vote for! None of you did anything to truly oppose Trump's presidential campaign. You didn't really do anything when he said that he would defend his supporters if they beat up black people in the street in Trump's name. Ya'll didn't blink an eye when he came down that escalator and called all "Mexicans" rapists. Moreover, I didn't see one person with an american flag in their twitter handle oppose Trump's proposition of a Muslim ban. And now that this man is in office and trying to take away our healthcare, you are upset that a girl with a safety pin in her twitter handle called you an asshole? Buck the fuck up.

People are not being mean to you because you disagree with them. They are speaking you in a way that makes you feel attacked. Because you are not used to having your political views challenged by so many people. And now you feel like it’s more popular to be a leftist and that you are a minority. You are absolutely not a minority. You still have the majority of the House and Senate and the OVAL OFFICE. Also, the literal leader of your country is in bed with white supremacists and people who want to take away people’s rights so badly every chance that they can get. When you are okay with people taking away rights from marginalized people, you are like them. You have the same mindset that this country is somehow broken because people from different countries come here for a better life and end up doing dishes in the back of an IHOP or have to sell oranges on the side of the road. You all kept repeating the same rhetoric on

Stop comparing yourself to people in the 50s. I am so sick of people saying that being a conservative now is like being a jewish person in Nazi Germany. That is not the case at all. People are not going into your homes, taking you and your family to a concentration camp so that you can work and starve for years. None of that happens to you. Also, you are thrown in an oven and burned alive!! No one is doing that to you just for voting to put an old dotty racist in the White House.

Alan Turing, well-known and hugely influential computer scientist, was forcibly chemically castrated for being gay in the 50's. James Damore is not Alan Turing. He isn't even close because James Damore, as it has been recently revealed, he wasn't even properly qualified for his former cushy job at Google. If you don't know who James Damore is, he wrote a 10 page memo on the internal Google message boards about how women are not biologically wired to have jobs in technology. Obviously he experienced fierce insecurity that he was surrounded by smarter women. And then he decided to write this memo to have people validate his feelings, but that ended up getting him fired.

Maybe it is time for you to cross the other side and understand why everyone kind of doesn't like you. Because this isn't going to end. There are plenty of centrist democrats talking to republicans. It's time to stop pushing for more police in Detroit and start funding science and math programs. It's time to stop focusing on closing down Planned Parenthood and to start teaching kids how to have safe sex in school so that you can reduce the teen pregnancy rate in your States. And perhaps you need to stop seeing all Muslim people are terrorists and start arresting the neo-Nazis and white supremacists that live in your states and work in your police forces, colleges, high school, banks, and other government buildings.

Oh yeah! And keep them out of the White House.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Post About Transphobic Jokes

So recently Janet Mock went on the Breakfast Club to talk about her book and the whole interview created this wave on social media called #TransFolksArentJokes . Basically, comedian Lil Duval make a joke about killing a transgender woman if he found out she was transgender after he slept with her. I honestly hated the fact that Janet was going to do this interview because I know that Charlamagne is an asshole, but this is just disgusting. The fact that you invited a New York Times best selling author onto your show just to have your guest host misgender her is ridiculous. And then your guest host made this disgusting joke

Okay, I'm just gonna start on how I feel about this. Transphobic jokes lead to anti trans violence and murders. It is beyond time for everyone, whether you are transgender or not, to show up and saym trans folks are not jokes. That is what Raquel Willis said in her Twitter video in response to the Breakfast Club interview. People are also calling advertisers to the Breakfast Club to get them off the air and also people are calling for a boycott. 

We need more folks, whether trans or not, to definitively state where they are when it comes to our humanity. The silence must end and if you're truly invested in liberation show up for trans folks publicly. Transgender people do not deserve to die because you are attracted to them. Men are too scared to let others know that they are attracted to someone who is transgender that they will kill the person to protect their masculinity. Transgender people do not have to reveal to people that they are sleeping with that they are in fact trans. Transgender people face discrimination and marginilization in all communities. Especially the black community. When Lil Duval made that joke and Charlamagne laughed, it legitimizes that thought a cisgender man will have when he meets a transgender woman. Transgender people do die for just living their lives. Recently, a transgender woman by the name of Miss Tee Tee was found murdered today in Atlanta. 

Black transgender woman are dying at an alarming rate. There have been 15 transgender deaths this year. Violent language and rhetoric towards transgender women of color continues to aid and abet the feeling towards them soon leads to their deaths. Condoning these jokes about transgender women of color is sooo wrong. Transgender people already face homelessness,cannot be allowed in public places, a great deal of chances for sexual assault, and often do not receive the appropriate healthcare that they need. And now there are people with huge platforms that are laughing at the thought of literally killing someone!!!!