Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Post About R Kelly

Recently, Buzzfeed news reported that R Kelly is holding 6 women in his home in a cult fashion. This news story broke when the families of the women came forward with the story. I honestly hate these news when women are being abused. R Kelly is not new to having sex scandals surrounding him. In 1994, he married Aliyah when she was 14 and he was 25. Aliyah lied on the marriage certificate and said she was 18. When the marriage was annulled, Aliyah said that “she was never the same” after the “relationship”. In 1996, Tiffany Hawkins and R Kelly got in a “relationship”. Tiffany was 15 and R Kelly was 27.

Now I am going to stop right here because if I keep going, I am going to be pissed off. R Kelly is a disgusting person who is obsessed with young women. He is an older man with more money and plenty of experience of manipulating younger women to do what he wants. He has also been charged with 21 counts of child pornography in Chicago and 12 counts in Florida. This man has allegedly had sex with children multiple times!! And people are still defending him!! When we fail to put people like R Kelly behind bars, we fail women. And more importantly, we fail black women. 60% of black women have been sexually harassed in their life. Black women will come forward with stories of men sexually abusing them and you will not believe them. Then they will be hurt and broken in their life and ya’ll wonder why there are so many broken black women in the world. This man have abused soooo many children!!! He abused minors, guys!! He needs to be in jail.

When we do not punish men who mistreat women, we are failing women. We need to be here to listen and support women when they speak up about sexual abuse. Bill Cosby was found not guilty and now the reruns have been ordered back again. There go all of our morals. That is a direct slap in the face to women who have been assaulted. They feel discouraged from coming forward because they see in real life how constantly sexual assaulters get away with this crime. This happens all of the time and I wish this would stop. R Kelly is an awful person who is not aware that what he is doing is messed up and wrong. Too many times we blame women for these things and the men just get away and keep doing it to other women. And the other women who are abused may not come forward and will stay silent. This is a depressing cycle that is persistent in today’s society. I really pray to God that R Kelly is arrested and that evidence comes forward for him to go to jail and not bail himself out before a trial. And yes, I know that one of the alleged captives have been making all of these Marina Joyce type videos. But these are obviously staged to look like she isn’t being held captive. These videos are lies and we need to wake up. I cannot wait for the day R Kelly goes to jail for a very very long time.

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